If you are looking for other (more academic) reading on service design....
- The Service Design Network provides a neat list here.
- Service designer and long-time service design blogger, Jeff Howard, also compiled a great collection of service design-related articles, mostly from business and marketing journals here.
- In 2006-7, Lucy Kimbell and Victor Seidel, set up an academic research project called, Designing for Services, which looked at observing and understanding service design in science and technology SMEs. Live|work, IDEO and Radarstation were the design consultancies who participated in the project. I blogged the event on my travel blog here.
D4S produced a blog, short film and publication which brings together multi-disciplinary perspectives on service design (highly recommended alongside Jeff's website to get a good grasped of the state of service design).

- The Design Council also have a recommended reading list on service design here. Their Public Service by Design team are also doing timely and excellent work in the area of how designers can add value to public sector services. Some related links on my blog here.
- Qin Han's blog, Design Generalist
- Lauren Currie's blog, Redjotter
- Nick Marsh, Choosenick!
- Jeff Howard, Design for Service
- Experentia, Putting People First ('service design' category)
- Design-led consultancies involved in service design
- Universities exploring service design (which includes some links to conferences on service design).